New year, new you?

It’s a new year and the expectation is that you are suddenly able to miraculously transform into an idealistic version of yourself because you have set some new year resolutions. Unfortunately, right from the get go you have set yourself up for failure. Although there is nothing wrong with setting goals and working towards new ways to improve your emotional and physical wellbeing, these aspirations need to be attainable to be sustainable. So while going from a couch athlete to working out at the gym everyday may sound like a good idea, it is very difficult to go from zero to 100 over a matter of days or weeks.

So whether it is creating a healthy lifestyle or pursuing peak performance, here are some tips for setting sustainable and attainable intentions that will help you achieve your goals.

Start Small

This is probably the simplest, yet most effective tip for creating sustainable resolutions. Instead of setting unattainable goals which are destined for failure, start with a goal that is achievable and then as you gain confidence, you can always expand your goal later. 

For example, instead of setting a goal of going to the gym everyday to get fit, try aiming for 30 mins of movement a day. That might be going for a walk at lunch, riding to work, going to the gym, or doing a yoga class, so long as it is 30 minutes of movement each day. 

Once you have that routine mastered, you can start refining and expanding your goal. Instead of 30 minutes of general movement a day, you run for 30 mins, 3 days a week and the other 4 days remain 30 minutes of movement. 

Make Them Meaningful

Set intentions that are truly meaningful to you and not something you think you should do because everyone else is doing it. If you care about your goal, then it is more likely to have a long lasting effect because it taps into your internal motivation. This will give you the greatest sense of accomplishment and help you persevere.

Ask For Help

Getting support from friends and family is a great way to keep you motivated and on track. Not only will they help to keep you accountable, but they will also be there to support you through the time when you want to give up. 

Another great option is to seek help from professionals. Whether you are looking to shave a few minutes off your race time, or you just don’t know where to start, working with a Kinesiologist can help you achieve your goals. As exercise and movement experts, they can prescribe with specific exercises and workouts that can offer real and measurable results.